It pains me every time I hear stories where students had to stop their studies because of financial problem. I mean, if you were dismissed by the university or you keep on repeating for so many semesters then it is fine with me. Maybe you yourself are not interested in getting the scroll. But if the hindrance is financial, believe me... you have my sympathy... the highest!

Scholarships are meant for the cream of the crop students, the straight As, without even the slightest sight of B. So where do other students, the ones not listed for financial aide during studying, who also have the dreams of graduating and perhaps having more reasons to graduate stand, since they are not from wealthy families. They need the scroll to help their families and stories like this will always go unnoticed. How I wish I am a millionaire, hahaha.
I never had to endure this kind of problem when I was studying because all I had to do was to study and make sure I graduate. Even though there was no urgency in graduating but I did feel guilty if I did not do well in my studies since I am the eldest of five. But as I remember, I had PTPTN (of course, this was not enough) so anytime I was in need of money I would call my father and within few hours the balance in my bank account would increase again.

When I started teaching, I realized that for some students, completing the assignments and submitting them on time was the least of their problems. They had other problems to think about. I graduated from the same university so to me the tuition fees were not that expensive. Well, especially when my father would take care of that department, hehehe. My duty was to attend classes, pass the subject and get the scroll.
I faced different perspectives when I started teaching that sometimes I could not sleep at night thinking about it. Even so, majority of the students I taught in my previous university were Muslims so at least they had the Alms Centre to assist them... although that would be another story that requires another blog post to talk about. 😋 But yeah, at least they have something to fall to.
I am standing in different sphere now. It was so easy to pool fund and help the students before this because the fees were only that much. But now... Again, I wish I am a millionaire, hahaha. You see, the reasons they withdrew from their studies were always financial and the cause of it... father lost his job, both parents passed away instantly, mom is a single mother and could not afford taking care of all children and so on... So many reasons that you would have thought you are switching channels on TV to watch dramas.
Not all of us are academically inclined. I understand that. That was the reason why the government introduced the Vocational Schools. Having said that, not everybody are also listed as straight As students. Me included. If my father were to demand what he had contributed towards my education and compare with the As I had received while studying... Well, let's just not go there, hahaha. It's not a pretty picture. My point again, I thank Allah that in completing my education journey, I never, never had financial hindrance.

Sorry to addle the wits of my readers today, nevertheless , I just had to pen down this thought because it bothered me so much since yesterday. Well now we can all be disturbed together, hahaha. To anyone out there who are having this kind of predicament, I hope you make the point of quitting your studies as the last decision. When there is no other avenues left. Maybe you can try doing some part time jobs while deferring your semesters. Anything... as long as you don't quit. The thing is, once you portray to life that you are vulnerable, it will eat you without mercy. Trust me, been there done that. I certainly sigh for the ways to assist you guys but I am too, bounded by circumstances.

Hmmm... again, how I wish I am a millionaire.♡