Malaysia is known to have the most public holidays in the world! Cool, isn’t it? These many, many off days did not make us less productive, it just means that we can manage our time very well. Yeehaa! There are extra times to unwind and recharge after a long week at work.

Have you ever wonder what you will be doing for these long weekends? If things are not planned, then time might have just passed and wasted. Make sure you have some rough ideas on the activities that you want to do during these long weekends or you can just choose one that are listed here. Here goes…
1. If you had been lacking in the sleeping department.
Weekdays are full of meeting the deadlines and keeping up with performance at work that sometimes we neglect the most important activity for brain stimulation, which is sleeping. A good sleep is vital because we are humans and we too, are battery operated. Thus, if you have a long weekend to spare, this should be the top of your list. Nothing else matters if you do not get enough rest for the week.

2. If there is a new restaurant around the corner
Every day on your way to work, to and fro, you can see that there is a new restaurant around the corner. But because of your tight schedule, you have no time to stop by. There is a notice hanging in front of the window, ”SPECIAL OFFER FOR OUR NEW BUSINESS – 50% OFF EVERY MEAL.” Of course this excites you much. Not only you get to ditch all the cooking but also can enjoy eating out at a cheaper price. Since your schedule is pack Mondays to Fridays, weekends should be spent on visiting that new restaurant and try the menu on offer.

3. If you are missing your close friends and loved ones
Is there someone you had been meaning to call but could not because of your busy schedule? There is a big chance that they are thinking about you too. Long weekends can be utilized to catch up on close friends and loved ones. Maybe going for window shopping or coffee together and catch a movie. If that special someone is living somewhere far then you can spend time talking to each other over the phone. Conversations can go pass through midnight because you do not have to wake up early the next day. Yay!

4. If you really need to unwind
Working back to back every day is stressful enough so long weekends is time for relaxing. You can try for a short getaway so that you can hear yourself thinking. Away from the bustling city. There are many websites offering promotional discounts now so there are many choices to choose from. Apart from that, if you do not feel like driving, just take a Grab and head over to the nearest spa. Some spas really give you the calming atmosphere with Balinese style and music. After one hour of massage, you might even forget about the work your boss has been asking about since last Friday. Oppss!

5. If your laundry is at places where they shouldn’t be
Do you have a feeling that your house is getting smaller since all the empty spaces are filled with your piling clothes? Is it difficult to find free space even to sit? Since we are not allowed to use magic in this country, well it is time then to clear all these clutters and make the house the ‘home sweet home’ that you once known. Take a day to clear everything so that the rest of the weekend can be dedicated to lazing around and enjoy the comfort of your own house.

6. If you are adding more to your To-Do-List than crossing them off
All of us have our own set of To-Do-List. It can be written down somewhere or embedded in our memory. These few days off during the long weekends can be used to complete all of these overdue tasks. Perhaps, being in your own bedroom, with a mug of hot tea and your favorite music, will help you to be in the mood of getting to the end of the task in no time. With this, you can start a fresh new week later with nothing left at the back of your mind.

So guys, these are some suggestions on how to spend your long weekends. Of course there is more to the list because creativity has no limit. But remember, how you should spend your weekends must only be determined by you and no one else!
As I am writing this, I already know where I am going to be for the next long weekend. Number 4, here I come!♡