We came to know about this place by accident. We were in KLCC one day and we were thinking of eating Pizza, but where? We didn't want to go to Pizza Hut, so we were wandering around KLCC looking for a pizza place. We went to ask about it at the information counter and was told that there are about 3 pizza places there in KLCC, besides Pizza Hut. So we went to check one by one. 

The first one we were not sure whether it's 'halal' or not. The second one we didn't want to go in after checking the menu and saw it will cost us RM 40++ for a small pizza. So the last place to check out was at the Food Court. That's when we saw this place, Pizza Milano and after scheming through the menu the price we agreed to try this place. And we did not regret at all! This place should be a shout out to all pizza lovers.

So yesterday we decided to have dinner at this place.

Pizza Milano is located at KLCC's Food Court.

Do you see the queue? Pheww... Mr H willingly offered himself to stand in the queue, I know, so that he can order 2 types of pizza, hahaha.

Oh my, this is more difficult than to decide what to do for future, hahaha. 

The pizza price range from RM 8++ to RM 12++ for a small pizza. But I think that even the small pizza can be eaten by 2 persons. 

The price is really reasonable and cheap to compare with other pizza outlets, I think.

They also have pasta, price ranging from RM 7++. My personal favourite will be the mushroom soup RM 4 and the garlic bread RM 2.

This is what we ordered.

Pizza pepperoni.

Pizza margherita.

Mushroom soup and garlic bread. Trust me, I only ate this :P

Seafood marinara. Can you see the sauce and the prawns, and the squids??? Heaps of them.

Crushed chillis, sauces, parmesan cheese, pepper and salt.

I did not eat the pizza in front of me. I only ate the mushroom soup like I promised :P

All these for only RM 32.60. Divided by three that means only around RM 10++ per person!

If you feel that you want to have pizza at an affordable price, I really recommend this place. You can get not only pizza but also the pasta, bread and soup. This will definitely be our favourite place to eat if we are in KLCC.