Received a call today from a local university asking whether I would like to teach part time in their university. My first reaction was ALHAMDULILLAH. And when the caller mentioned that we do have another vacancy if you know someone to recommend. Yes, of course...I recommend Mr H. Another big ALHAMDULILLAH. So now I have another part time job to take. Mr H too. Allah certainly works wonders.

Two months before I resigned, I already had that feeling....the feeling that this job won't last long. Everyday, waking up from bed, I will literally dragged my feet to go to work. I know I could not be commuting everyday to my workplace which is very far from home and the thought that I have to do this for another 30 years???? However, I was also confused, how do I deal with this problem? 

I toyed with the idea to resign. But then, my financial commitments are high, how do I support myself then? So I had started looking for another job. I sent my resume to quite a few numbers of employers asking for a job, nearer to home. I got few interviews but none accepted. I got more confused. Here I am, unhappy with things that are happening but there is no way to solve the problem. 

One day, I arrived home around 8pm. That means I only had few minutes left till Isyak. I was so frustrated. I always missed my prayed times due to the traffic and at times when I managed to perform them, I always did it very quickly because time is running out. I told Mr H that I want to quit my job. I can't go on living like this. My career is undoubtly important but it is not the only thing in life that I have to consider. I felt that my relationship with Allah worsen, day by day. 

Mr H was worried that we could not survive with only one income. I told him, yes of course that is my biggest worry too but then is it worth to sacrifice my relationship with Allah? After that, we discussed again. Thoroughly. We talked about the pros and cons of me quitting my job. Frankly speaking, I really don't know what my future holds but then I believe Allah will guide me. Then, it is settled. I will quit my job, we will survive on Mr H income alone and we will find more part time job to support ourselves and our studies. Other than that? We leave it to Allah. Mr H again prepared our budget list in excel so we can see clearly how much do we need to survive. 

I broke the news to few of my colleagues. They were shocked, just as I had expected. Some thought I was crazy. Throwing away a full time job which I have had for ten years, when thousands of people out there are jobless. Few of them questions and wonders how would I survive? I told them what I told Mr H. I seriously don't know. But I believe Allah has plans for me. If you take care of your relationship with Allah, He will take care of you. I can't help muttering to myself though, I don't know why people are worried about me because I am the one who make this decision and whatever problems that come with it I will have to face it myself. 

Miracle came after I tendered my resignation. Rezeki. Came pouring. I got an sms from someone that I loved dearly. We mend the differences and everything went well. I consider this as rezeki from Allah. I got an interview, and they offered me a senior position after looking at my experience. A full time job. However, I decided not to go for the second interview since the job offered was a full time job. Mr H and I think it is best for me to complete my PhD first before taking any full time job. 

After that, I got two phone calls asking me to teach part time job. Of course, I gladly agreed. So, that was my stories. Half of it perhaps, of my journey towards resignation hehe. Do not ask me what will I be in the future? I don't know. 

I want to be closer to God. Thinking back how I always missed my prayers because I was so caught up with worldly affairs. Traffic jams etc. Things can't go on like this. So I came to this decision. And it seems that from the day I commit myself to such decision, offers for part time jobs also came pouring. I believe Allah listens to my prayers. Thank you Allah.